Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The first thing to do is get pain free or at least " under control"

I had a visit with a dear old friend yesterday who is living with a lot of pain , her leg and her back which she just had her second operation on . She's looking for hope ... she wants to be like me and " Visualize her life the way she wanted " and very depressed and in so much pain .. she was calling me out on my inspirational posts that she reads religiously every day on Facebook .. and how .. it's not working for her .
         I was taken back at what she was accusing me of .. giving false hope and more or less I'm a fraud . I had to take a moment to really evaluate her .. and what I saw was a very desperate and lonely woman .. stuck in a loveless marriage but more importantly .. in a lot of pain. I choose my words cautiously ... and told her before she could do anything she had to get her pain under control . She said they were going to start her on physical therapy soon but she didn't think it was gonna work because she had tried it before . I surprised her by asking " What do you think will work?" and she said she thought swimming would help ... I told her to tell her doctor this and try the physical therapy again .. but this time go with with the Visualization that it was going to work ... visualize the whole session going well and seeing some real help right away . Don't think it's not gonna work or it won't .. and more importantly .. work with your doctor to get the pain under control . In conclusion ... I said to her .. and I'm saying all of you ... " You can't move forward and having the life of your Dreams if you are in Chronic pain . I'm no Doctor .. Work with yours .. Don't take " popping pills" for the rest of your life as the answer  . Get a grip on your thoughts .. do what's best for you and it all starts with pain control or pain free . The days I am Fibromyalgia free I get so much done in my life , I can think .. I can plan and that also means I can plan for the days I am in pain and can't do much at all . Have hope my friends ..and it all starts with a clear mind and that impossible with chronic pain . .. I know .. I've been there . Find those moments and expand upon them ... You can have the life of your choosing .. not the doctors choosing to keep you drugged and dulling the pain . I told you to work with them and they also gotta learn to work with you . .. start be telling them  how you feel and feeling depressed and alone? find your friends who stay with you for thick or thin .. and clue them in .. true friends help . 

          This was bothering me all night .. I am a very motivation/inspirational person .. my lesson from God in all of this is .. I wasn't being misunderstood by the very people that were clinging to me in desperate hope . God wanted me to tell you .. "You are loved and I'm here to help .. just open yourself to that fact being reality .. it is . He was there for me at my bottom .. I remember that moment well .. instead of going down a even darker path I looked up to the light and said " God help me" .. and he did , from that moment on I seen his light everywhere .. his helpers my Guardian Angels have never left my side .. I just had to Believe in fact that all of that teachings I had in Catholic school was not about God up in the Clouds and his Guardian Angels .. they did exist but they are all around us .. with the Big Guy himself . Choose to Believe and you can Achieve anything you put your mind too . 

"To be in joy, take a few minutes each day and intentionally send love to everyone you know, and to the world. Really intensify the feeling of love and peace in your heart first, and then feel that love going out from your heart to everyone. The law of attraction matches the frequencies you send out, and will return the love to you multiplied. When applied deeply and correctly this exercise can completely change your life, and at the same time touch the lives of many."

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