Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas week

I woke up today with a thousand things I need to do and running out of time to do them ... I always tackle it by starting everything at the same time (multi-tasking) and never quite finishing anything right . ... this has got to end . Yesterday as my husband made reference to things to be done for Christmas .. I let him know I wasn't doing it all myself this year .. I'm gonna need help . After he got the stunned look of disbelief off of his face .. the realization that I was right .. struck him . He promised to go grocery shopping with me .. something he hasn't done in about 8 years since we moved here . .. and add 8 more before that . He has to realize I'm getting older too .. not just him . Maybe I can still do it all but .. at what cost? Fibromyalgia will rear it's ugly head big time if I over do .. learning my limits on what all I can do was necessary .. and .. humbling . No one wants to admit to getting older or that they can't do it all anymore ... but .. it's more than that .. learning I should HAVE to do it all is taking me much longer . so today I'm going a little slower .. planning a lot more .. and thinking of me ... first of all .. yes it's selfish but it's also learning to take care of myself better . I wasn't brought up like that , my mother was "Old School" .. once I married my husband came first then the kids and whatever scraps of a day was left over .. was mine .. only after all of my "duties" of a wife were over . and believe me .. there wasn't enough energy to lift a weary hand to wipe the sweat from my brow after a hard day of my "duties" .. throw in I had to go to work to buy clothes for my kid so they would look nice and then I had to learn to sleep for less time and getting up in the middle of the night to get a head start of the day and have a little me time . .. my days soon became a blur of activity with those caffeine in all forms taking the place of sleep , it more recent years when I discovered those 5 hour energy drinks were my best friend . This of course all came crashing down around me .. I've over come most of my caffeine addiction .. I  gave up cigarettes (8 years ) and I don't drink soda pop of any kind . Now I'm left with learning to fill my day more productively so I then came have my "me time" without quilt . I'm getting there .. slowly .

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