Saturday, December 31, 2016

I have a head cold .. it's slowed me down but not stopping me !

Yes .. it's one of those disgusting ones like I had as a child .. I couldn't breathe out of either nostril .. yuck and no more descriptions lol. I'm feeling better and yes it's fairly quick this time because of a holistic all natural remedy that I think everyone should have on hand .. unless you are allergic to honey . 1 tablespoon of Honey ( I use organic but any kind should work ) and one half tsp. of Cinnamon  .. warm the honey just a tad  .. stir in cinnamon and then eat it . That's it ! do this for 3 days and the nasty cough and stuffy nose .. gone !  Like I said .. I've only been taking it a day so I'm better but not 100 percent yet . Side note to myself .. why is it when I  have a nasty cold like this I don't suffer from Fibro? It's something to ponder as I wade thru this yucky head cold . I'm getting back to basics for the New Year .. Back to the "Monks" fasting way of living .. which basically is only eating two meals a day and not before 11 a.m. and not after 7 p.m. at night . It' works better for me .. It just takes a little getting use to . For me .. this new year is all about finishing things I start .. something I'm terrible at doing , I start out Gung Ho on a project but then half way thru I get bored with it . So .. yes .. it's all about finishing things .That's all for now , Lots to do this New Year Eve . Have a Great Day everyone ! Be safe out there ! Don't Drink and Drive and be alert for the ones who think they are ok to drive drunk. And if that's you ? set up a Uber to drive home . There's other's offering free rides home too .

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Planning my Resolutions for the New Year

Honestly ... I've stopped making resolutions and started making "upgrades" to last years plans . I'll be weeding thur my journal notes and keeping what worked and "Tweaking" what didn't . My number one revelation that I'll be working on is .. when I'm in pain from Fibro .. I  actually eat more .. I think it's gonna make me feel better . I hear this is common but it doesn't make it less foolish to admit . The old " food will make it better" is something my mother use to do for me and  I have kept this tradition alive , ... and planning it's "Demise" is gonna take some thought .
          The one thing that worked that I let slip away (Fibromyalgia does not let me think) was  not eating until 11 a.m. This was from a "Monk fasting" article I had read and it made so much sense ! So .. for the new year .. I'll be back at it ! The other "upgrades" will be an ongoing thing for the next a couple of days .
          I had a really nice Christmas and I hope all of you did too ! I'm off to have a cup of coffee ... I won't give that up ! lol

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Something that helps to relax ( Brainwaves by Banzai Labs)

This App. is not one of the free ones but it is worth the 4.99  it costs , I've had it so long I don't remember it costing anything .. but ... it does work so I can't say I'm surprised they now charge for it . There's 32 different programs on this app that works for so many things .. I use the deep sleep one and the morning meditations is great !  but there's others I use when needed .. "Headache relief" is fantastic ! Morning Coffee is great for getting me moving in the morning  .. ones to help focus .. ones to help to study .. so many good ones !
It does work ! and I highly recommend it ! I usually don't like to recommend ones you have to pay for but in this case it's true " You get what you pay for " So go buy yourself a itunes gift card and have fun ! I use the IPad version and there's a IPhone version too .
          As I wrote yesterday I had a re-occurrence of Fibromyalgia .. this time brought on by all this Christmas stress , sleep loss is a expected partner in this duo of pain  and stress .. the more I stress the more pain I'm in .. so ... after trying my normal over the counter pain relievers and all of them .. failing .. I resorted back to my hypnosis and hypnotherapy apps. The one I used for pain relief is a free app. and it's called " pain relief" this also put me right to sleep . In the morning I use the Brainwaves with the " Morning Meditation" and yes .. it put me back to sleep ... mainly because I  was sleep deprived and needed more . This morning I listened and I didn't go back to sleep .. I've had enough sleep .
          I've pushed fibromyalgia back a few steps .. I'll kick it back further today .. My Christmas is saved .  I'm off to do my Tai Chi .. then get dressed and off to get some coffee before I start cooking again . Have a Great Day everyone .. be safe if you must go out and please remember .. don't drink and drive ! There's many free ride services out there in case you enjoy yourself too much ... use these services . Me? I'm not going anywhere tonight .. so I may have a few 😁

Friday, December 23, 2016

2 more days till Christmas

Let me just say that I don't know what I would of done without Amazon this year .. fighting the crowds is not my thing ... with Fibromyalgia .. it's impossible . I have my good days and weeks .. then I have the not so good ones . I'm in the mist of kicking it back into remission .. yes .. the holiday stress got me this year . My holistic cure is simple for the most parts .. lots of Vitamins plus Coconut oil and Progesterone cream ..yes .. the oil is to add to food and the cream is to rub into the skin . I should see marked improvement by Christmas . Handling the stress was what I worked on yesterday , I meditated .. I listened to my pain reducer app. (which really works) and did nothing strenuous all day and into the night until bed . When I got up this morning I knew from past experience I could now start to "Kick it to the curb" . The morning Meditation is done .. I weight trained .. and to my Qigong ... among other things it really loosens these stiff joints up ! . I did the Cream and next is coconut oil .. probably in my coffee .. yep .. it's a "bullet proof " coffee recipe .. makes me feel like superwomen. Then I'll line up my vitamins and supplements .. to take after Breakfast .
      Time to put away my list of gotta do's ... what's bought is bought .. my priority list is me at the top of that list .. and me .. getting on my feet again .

Thursday, December 22, 2016

I'm taking the day off from posting , Fibro rears it's ugly head

In the winter months I need to take Vitamin D-3 and some Bromalain which is derived from Pineapple . This time of year the amount of sunlight we get here in the north is 8 hours .. starting today since the Winter Solstice the amount of daylight will increase slowly each day by I believe .. 2 and half minutes and 17 and half minutes weekly .. 35 minutes monthly . But until spring .. I should be taking my vitamins more religiously . Wish me luck ... and so my day begins .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The first thing to do is get pain free or at least " under control"

I had a visit with a dear old friend yesterday who is living with a lot of pain , her leg and her back which she just had her second operation on . She's looking for hope ... she wants to be like me and " Visualize her life the way she wanted " and very depressed and in so much pain .. she was calling me out on my inspirational posts that she reads religiously every day on Facebook .. and how .. it's not working for her .
         I was taken back at what she was accusing me of .. giving false hope and more or less I'm a fraud . I had to take a moment to really evaluate her .. and what I saw was a very desperate and lonely woman .. stuck in a loveless marriage but more importantly .. in a lot of pain. I choose my words cautiously ... and told her before she could do anything she had to get her pain under control . She said they were going to start her on physical therapy soon but she didn't think it was gonna work because she had tried it before . I surprised her by asking " What do you think will work?" and she said she thought swimming would help ... I told her to tell her doctor this and try the physical therapy again .. but this time go with with the Visualization that it was going to work ... visualize the whole session going well and seeing some real help right away . Don't think it's not gonna work or it won't .. and more importantly .. work with your doctor to get the pain under control . In conclusion ... I said to her .. and I'm saying all of you ... " You can't move forward and having the life of your Dreams if you are in Chronic pain . I'm no Doctor .. Work with yours .. Don't take " popping pills" for the rest of your life as the answer  . Get a grip on your thoughts .. do what's best for you and it all starts with pain control or pain free . The days I am Fibromyalgia free I get so much done in my life , I can think .. I can plan and that also means I can plan for the days I am in pain and can't do much at all . Have hope my friends ..and it all starts with a clear mind and that impossible with chronic pain . .. I know .. I've been there . Find those moments and expand upon them ... You can have the life of your choosing .. not the doctors choosing to keep you drugged and dulling the pain . I told you to work with them and they also gotta learn to work with you . .. start be telling them  how you feel and feeling depressed and alone? find your friends who stay with you for thick or thin .. and clue them in .. true friends help . 

          This was bothering me all night .. I am a very motivation/inspirational person .. my lesson from God in all of this is .. I wasn't being misunderstood by the very people that were clinging to me in desperate hope . God wanted me to tell you .. "You are loved and I'm here to help .. just open yourself to that fact being reality .. it is . He was there for me at my bottom .. I remember that moment well .. instead of going down a even darker path I looked up to the light and said " God help me" .. and he did , from that moment on I seen his light everywhere .. his helpers my Guardian Angels have never left my side .. I just had to Believe in fact that all of that teachings I had in Catholic school was not about God up in the Clouds and his Guardian Angels .. they did exist but they are all around us .. with the Big Guy himself . Choose to Believe and you can Achieve anything you put your mind too . 

"To be in joy, take a few minutes each day and intentionally send love to everyone you know, and to the world. Really intensify the feeling of love and peace in your heart first, and then feel that love going out from your heart to everyone. The law of attraction matches the frequencies you send out, and will return the love to you multiplied. When applied deeply and correctly this exercise can completely change your life, and at the same time touch the lives of many."

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lots to do today

I'm trying to focus .. lots today and Thank God I didn't sleep in ! I gotta venture out .. people are not in good moods .. I will be visualizing my day out .. complete with Happy people saying Merry Christmas . Today can be a productive happy day .. it's my choice . .. I choose "Happy" . I know it's a short post today but I gotta push myself to move it a little faster today .. if you have the time , turn on Netflix and watch "The Secret: , it explains how I learned to change from " whoa is Me" to "I am Blessed"

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas week

I woke up today with a thousand things I need to do and running out of time to do them ... I always tackle it by starting everything at the same time (multi-tasking) and never quite finishing anything right . ... this has got to end . Yesterday as my husband made reference to things to be done for Christmas .. I let him know I wasn't doing it all myself this year .. I'm gonna need help . After he got the stunned look of disbelief off of his face .. the realization that I was right .. struck him . He promised to go grocery shopping with me .. something he hasn't done in about 8 years since we moved here . .. and add 8 more before that . He has to realize I'm getting older too .. not just him . Maybe I can still do it all but .. at what cost? Fibromyalgia will rear it's ugly head big time if I over do .. learning my limits on what all I can do was necessary .. and .. humbling . No one wants to admit to getting older or that they can't do it all anymore ... but .. it's more than that .. learning I should HAVE to do it all is taking me much longer . so today I'm going a little slower .. planning a lot more .. and thinking of me ... first of all .. yes it's selfish but it's also learning to take care of myself better . I wasn't brought up like that , my mother was "Old School" .. once I married my husband came first then the kids and whatever scraps of a day was left over .. was mine .. only after all of my "duties" of a wife were over . and believe me .. there wasn't enough energy to lift a weary hand to wipe the sweat from my brow after a hard day of my "duties" .. throw in I had to go to work to buy clothes for my kid so they would look nice and then I had to learn to sleep for less time and getting up in the middle of the night to get a head start of the day and have a little me time . .. my days soon became a blur of activity with those caffeine in all forms taking the place of sleep , it more recent years when I discovered those 5 hour energy drinks were my best friend . This of course all came crashing down around me .. I've over come most of my caffeine addiction .. I  gave up cigarettes (8 years ) and I don't drink soda pop of any kind . Now I'm left with learning to fill my day more productively so I then came have my "me time" without quilt . I'm getting there .. slowly .

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Still working on the 5 habits to have in the Morning

So far I have as soon as I wake up is listening to a pre-exercise binary wave app. I've had for a while now , there are 30 different "Waves" to listen too .. most take 40 minutes to listen to .. I have tried the meditation one first thing in the morning and I go back to sleep lol . So I tried this pre exercise one because it's only 10 minutes and I actually don't go back to sleep ... next thing is my routine of weight lifting .. I like doing this as I get out of bed in the morning .. I don't have time to talk myself out of doing it this way . Then ... I do Tai Chi , with the busy holiday season I have pushed my favorite part of my day off till later and you guessed it .. I forget to do it all together , so last night before bed I decide to lump it in there with my weight training ... get it done before I have time to talk myself out of it ... which ... works for me . I find my Tai Chi to be very meditative .. it also flows well with Reiki healing and will be expanding this to have a healing prayer exercise part to my morning Tai Chi .. so yes .. I am moving forward with this 5 habits in the morning list . The same breakfast every morning .. which is on my list .. I was very skeptical of this one .. I thought I'd get bored with it but I haven't .. I make it coffee and toast  , 2 pieces of toast with whatever I'm in the mood for on it . I really like those different flavored cream cheese spreads , sometimes it's Almond butter and for the strange Italian in me .. yes .. I like parmesean Cheese on it . I also like onion flakes on it .. you can't buy good onion bread anymore . Which reminds me .. if I can find the bread machine flour .. I can make my own ! any .. back on track .. I'm seeing positive changes as the article I posted about the "5 habits that can turn your life from Negative to Positive "  it's not easy but it has freed up mental time for me , I don't feel like I'm not accomplishing much these days . I feel the need for Coffee .. have a Great Day everyone !

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Drink a gallon a water a day will change your appearance remarkably

I had my had my hair restyled and promised to post a picture of my new hair highlights and style .. I was surprised on Facebook that all of my friends where more complimentary on my skin "glowing" , I of course Thanked them and was humbled by the compliments , I am a wife .. grandmother and know I'm know " Spring Chicken" but .. I do work hard at looking the best I can for who I am . I most recently figured out my sleep problem that seems to get worse in the winter and yestersday's post was the answer to that problem . I shut down all electronics before bedtime .. and yes .. it worked like a charm .. my "eye bags" were finally gone . the resulting picture shows the difference .

So ... here's the link to a Article that I came across that describes what I try to do every day .. drink lots of water ! With not drinking soda pop or anything with sugar anymore .. water is my main thing to drink .. so I drink lots of it .

that's my post for this morning .. Have a good morning everyone !

this is what 4 weeks of drinking a Gallon of water

Friday, December 16, 2016

9 days till Christmas !

I'm done Christmas shopping , I've been done , I did all my shopping online this year .. yep .. Amazon . No fighting the crowds in the stores or the bad weather ... just a leisurely Amazon search for what I want . .. or maybe just to Browse . I really would rather shop the " Ma and Pa " stores but .. where are they ? they are few and far in between . The " hot" items aren't in the Ma and Pa stores ..  and unless you have running shoes on  .. you don't have a chance at Walmart .. not that I  can't take someone in a fight for a hot item toy .. I just don't think it promotes " Peace on Earth" so ... I did all my shopping at Amazon ... all but the gift wrapping which is and added expense with ugly Christmas wrapping paper lol . I wrapped them all and for the first year ever I feel like I got the perfect gift for everyone . I have turned into the Christmas elf and I can't wait for Christmas ! finally .. 9 days till Christmas the "Christmas Spirit" hit me .. I want to "Deck the halls" with fake holly ... wish everyone I see a Merry Christmas and just for old time sake find my "Running Shoes" from Christmas past and check out the Decorations at the mall .. maybe challenge someone to a impromptu race for a Kamichi lol. Merry Christmas Everyone !! Looks like I'm conquered my sleeping problem !

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gut Microbiome (blue screen and sleep problems)

If you use your electronic devices after dark, you could be screwing up your sleep through your gut! Yup. I can tie almost everything to that gut of yours!

Your gut microbiome has it’s own circadian rhythm that receives info that tells it whether or not there should be more or less circulating melatonin. Well, your biome receives this info that controls melatonin from the blue light receptors in our retina. So if you’re getting blue light at 10 pm from your devices, you're changing the circadian rhythm of your gut flora, which in turn effects your melatonin, which in turn effects your sleep!

pick-up a pair of "BluBlockers" from your local hardware store or CVS , or Amazon , I got the blublocker screens that fit on my laptop monitor plus one for my IPad.  Just put these on as the sun goes down inside your house until you go to bed, and you'll quickly start to notice how much better you sleep!
iPad bluscreen cover

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Motivation and how to find it

I'll start by watching this video

Motivational video

this is something that I need to just get out of bed some morning .

Monday, December 12, 2016

Still in search of a better night sleep

          Good Morning ! I wanna talk about something  I read last night on Facebook , eating 2 bananas a day I really wanna try this .. looks like a trip out to the store today . My sleeping app. that I talked abut yesterday surprisingly didn't work last night .. I remember listening entirely to the end and still being away .. I ended up whipping the ear buds out of my ears and stared at the ceiling for awhile . I remembered another app. that may work "Brainwaves" it uses Bianry waves to achieve the same result .. "deep sleep" so I  tried that one and it worked . I think I spent too much time on Facebook and watching the mid season of the walking dead last night .. it was good btw even though I'm still angry with the producers for killing off Glenn and Abraham .. it's just not the same . Tonight I'll start winding down long before I want to fall asleep . .. I think this will help out a lot . Sleep is so important .. when you don't get enough sleep it affects your whole day , when you get enough .. it puts me in a  positive state of my .. ideas come easily and the whole day goes alot smoother and happier . I'm off here for Coffee ... as I said .. the sleep apps took forever last night and I'm starting off my day with about 5 hours of sleep . Have a good day everyone!.. mine? I foresee a nap in my very near future lol.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sleep app.

Good Morning ! I had such a busy day yesterday I didn't get back on here like I had promised , I did remember last night as I was getting read for bed that I wanted to look for a sleep aid app. that would help . I had a bunch of apps. accumulating cyber dust so I figured I'd start sorting thru them , the one I started with "Power of the Mind by Rachel Meddows" proved to surprisingly fast at putting me to sleep ! I woke up earlier this morning and decided to try it for my early morning meditation and ... right back to sleep ! This was one of my apps  so I'm not sure but I think the first app. is free the others are the in app upgrades . I  think I'll stay with this one for awhile .. unless it stops working then I'll move on . I highlyl reccomend giving the sleep app. a try .

Sleep app. by Rachael Meddows.

This journal entry is a short one this morning .. I slept in ! lol

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Good Morning ! Wow ! Slept again! that's something I'm gonna have to work on next ! , on second thought .. I'm gonna tackle that today ! Through out the day I'll be adding to this post some great ideas on fixing this sleep problem . The one that comes right off the top of my head is using organic bananas
and it does work! but if I don't have organic bananas in the house ? well .. that's what I'll be tackling all day .
The first thing to becoming a more productive , happy person is to get a good night sleep . Then .. I'll do the next thing I do and it's the first thing I do in the morning . !
ok .. this is a short post but I am dying for my first cup of coffee ! lol

Friday, December 9, 2016

Good Morning Everyone ! I suffer from Fibromyalgia , even as I type it the spell check doesn't recognize it .. I have to stare at it and think " is it spelled right ? or is it Fibro Fog ? yes .. it didn't like Fibro any more than Fibromyalgia lol . This time of year I'm learning to be careful and only do as much as I can tolerate , pushing myself to get done like I did yesterday only makes the Fibro .. flare up . I read somewhere the best description of Fibro pain ... " it feels like the worse workout burn you ever had but not in one spot .. it's over the whole body .. the work out burn"  is how Fibro feels . .. like the worse workout burn ever . So over doing it made me hurt and even all night I'm in pain .. no pain reliever works to eliminating it . This working I had a terrible time convincing myself I had to get out of bed knowing movement makes it worse but also knowing that movement and yes exercise was gonna also make it feel better . I'll get my list of ingredients I use to knock Fibro back into remission .. I'll post what works for me .

The best sugar for the brain can be found in green vegetables.

 However, the best fuels for the brain are those oils that create ketone bodies in the brain,
such as coconut oil or palm oil
. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you should notice a reduction in symptoms of excess adrenaline fairly rapidly.
 The other major component needed for reducing adrenaline is using bio-identical progesterone cream
 that has a strength of
 5 percent (50 mg) per pump—the amount required to block adrenaline and control insulin.
 Additionally, ancillary aids to help with the symptoms of fibromyalgia include d-ribose, magnesium, coenzyme Q10,
 and certainly a high dose of vitamin D3 (10,000 to 15,000 IU per day), along with vitamin K2 (MK-7).

Generally speaking, use of these methods often leads to a cure for fibromyalgia in three days to three weeks.


Michael E. Platt, MD
Have a nice day ... time to drag out the coconut oil

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Good Morning World ! , I've never kept a "Blog" before , not one I did religiously every day that is . I did do a post on " The Secret " and how it changed my life . I gotta add it's something that has to be revisted now and then . Life gets busy .. family .. obligations and sometimes sadness kind of shoves all of these well intentioned plans to the back burner and our wonderfully amazing mind goes into recovery mode .. yes .. sometimes we need to put our visualizations to another use .. recovery . Focusing on what I don't want to happen brings more of the  very thing to me . The Universe does not know the difference between what is really wanted or really not wanted ... if you put those focused thoughts out there than the "Genie" of the Universe says " Your wish is my command " and .. whatever your thoughts are that you are sending out there .. comes back to you . What you think .. You create .  This time of year I was having a terrible time with deliveries , yes I am a Amazon Prime member and I used it  a lot this year for presents . Not fighting the crowds at stores to shop was something I decided early on , yes even earlier than retail started posting Christmas sales and even earlier than Hallmark started the Christmas marathon's  (2 hallmark channels twice the fun )  .. that I wasn't going to go out and become one of the crazies .. I was going to do my shopping from the comfort of my home . It's been Great! the usual couple of problems and phone calls but for the most part .. it's been  easier . Grocery shopping ? is still putting up with crowds and a lot of those frustrated people like me that has no time .. highly stressed .. with no Christmas spirit in sight .  yes I was part of the problem .. stressed .. and crabby . Well .. I decide to dust out the old Secret book and "brush up" and yes it helps. I know some of you don't have the time to read the book right now so I'll tell you what I did to make grocery shopping more durable .. Before I leave the house I imagine my grocery trip , I find everything I'm looking for .. people are in good moods and so am I ! Essentially I imagine how I want my trip out to be like and like " Magic" this works . I'm not saying a few surprises aren't tossed at me but I find out how I react to them makes the surprise   .. better ... or worse. .. yes .. it's all in how I react .
        Today I have another delivery from Amazon and some Christmas Cleaning to do while I wait for the package , I'm gonna make the most of my day .. keep my "Happy Thoughts" close to me and keep all of that negativity out . Maybe light a couple of those Himalayan Candles .. they really do help .

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Get Up Early to Do These 5 Things And Your Life Will Change Forever

Get Up Early to Do These 5 Things And Your Life Will Change Forever
Good Morning , I think what I want to talk about first is my  inability to finish things , I 've always been like this .. I start out great on a project then about half way thru I quit .. not knowingly quit .. I just think of something else I gotta get done and off I go . I'm gonna sit here for a little bit and think of small steps I can take to change this . My focus is a problem that seems to get worse as I get older but I think it's something I can change and I'm gonna stop making excuses . I can do whatever I put my mind too .. it's remembering the end results and what I want to see as the end results may be the first thing I can work on . They say it takes 2 weeks for a new routine or habit to become a daily habit .. and it's true , when I started doing my weight training first thing in the morning ... I didn't want to do it .. but I kept telling myself " If I can just stay with it for 2 weeks it will become naturally .. and .. it did ! I now doing it without thought , and the best part ? by the time I'm sitting drinking my coffee ... I gotta  think for a moment .. did I or did I not lift weights this morning ? That's a great feeling knowing I made this habit and I'm sticking with it ... not to mention the lovely muscle definition I now have ! No more Flabby arms !
          The second habit I'm working on is .. this ... siting here writing in my Blog and going over whatever I need to focus on .. or to change . Sometimes it may be a habit .. or my plans for the day .. and maybe sometimes it will be about my crazy life that I wouldn't change one bit !. There's this list that has I just started following , I typed it up and of course it's downstairs lol .. but I will get it and post it up here in the bedroom so if I forget what my focus should be on I can look at it . I can accomplish anything I put my mind to it . .. all I gotta do is ... focus ! Have a good morning .. and as I drink my coffee (next thing on my list)  I'll pick it up and toast " to my days .. May they be as amazing as I am .. because I am so worth it !