Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Starting the New Out right ! What I have at the top of this list is "finishing what I start " I will be finishing and .. moving on and up . Once I complete just one small project I know I will get my "willpower" back to complete another one . Getting "Control" over my actions and having the control to take control and when to say .. enough . I'm forever stuck in this loop of .."gotta do " and "don't feel good enough " to do it . Maybe I don't feel good enough or .. am I enabling myself to feel "not so well " to get out of doing it ? One strange thing lead me to feel this way .. When I was at this worse with this head cold .. I was in no pain from Fibromyalgia .. how can that be? Selective pain.. if not one source it just picks another source? was the severe cold medicine I took at night had something to do with it ? This discovery had opened up a whole Pandora box of unorthodox way of thinking for me . No .. I can do a long term treatment with cold medicine .. but if I'm correct in thinking this took the pain away .. maybe all I need to do is take it every once in awhile . Like I said before .. this year is all about Control and Finishing things .. and as I figure it out .. I'll take you all along for this joyous ride I call my life .!
          First thing .. I won't eat anything before 11 a.m. or after 7 pm .. I did this in the Summertime , and I really started losing weight and feeling better , why did I stop ? I don't know .. life got in the way .. not planning ahead and not finishing things ? I felt good and I really loved not having to worry about cooking 3 meals for me , two was simple .. the Noon meal of the day was usually what I had for supper the night before then my supper was whatever I made for my husband . I think planning ahead more will free up some time to make up side dishes and Entrees for me when I make him something I want nothing to do with .
          Now I'm off to make me some tea .. no lemon or sugar .. and it's probably will be Dandelion tea .

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